Instrumental metal from Spanish outfit.
Most of the reviews I have undertaken over the years have tended towards the more “classical” end of the progressive rock spectrum, but metal was my first love back in the 1970’s, and remains a big part of my life to this day. I had not come across Toundra before, but they were formed in Spain in 2008 and Hex is their seventh studio release. I came across this from record label Inside Out on their YouTube channel recommendations. I am glad they did, because this is a fine album.
At its heart is a three-part, 20+ minute long, suite entitled El Odio, translated into English as Hatred. It is a remarkable suite, at times with thumping distorted guitars, at others with thoughtful, almost melancholic, passages, synth effects, and some of the finest drumming I have heard in 2022. The pace is pretty relentless and never once loses the listeners’ interest or notice. Below is the official video for part one of the suite.
With such a sprawling epic dominating proceedings, there is always the danger that all else pales somewhat in comparison. But special mention should go to a fine track on what we used to call the second side, namely Watt, a masterful piece clocking in at nearly 8 minutes long. Rising above the cacophonous riffs underscoring the track is some pretty special melodic guitar patterns and then some frankly disturbing sax effects. An enjoyably expansive noise which closes in the final minute and a half with a lovely thoughtful passage which is in clever and stark contrast to what preceded it. Album closer FIN has an interesting Middle Eastern vibe to it and showcases the fact this band’s progressive sensibilities extremely well.
This is a good album, and I, for one, will be exploring more of this act’s back catalogue. Here is the link to Inside Out