Dorie Jackson - Stupid Says Run

Paul Sadler - The Irrational EP

Imperial Measures - The Promise of Morning

Malcolm Galloway - Metazoa

Notify - Worlds Collide

The John Irvine Band - Here Come the Robots!
A Multitude of One - A Templar's Tale

The Aurora Project - Evos12

Cereus Sounds - The Lost Oasis

Gayle Ellett & The Electromags - The Painted River of Light

Spectra - Places We Only Dream Of

Ghost of the Machine - Empires Must Fall

Hats Off Gentlemen, It's Adequate - The Uncertainty Principle

Xan Alexander - Ouroboros II

Craig Padilla - The Pulse of Life

Bakullama - Broken Hearts & Troubled Minds

Flor de Loto - Cosmos

Sykofant - Red Sun

Lighthouse Sparrows - Closure

Jamie Parker - How I Caught the Moon

Imaginaerium - Siege

Massimo Pieretti - Things to Live!

Silver Nightmares - Roxy Passion

Caio Claro - Fear: The Voice of Your Soul